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View of Milngavie inlet. Water with a tunnel

Useful Links

This page contains links relating to water quality and the wider water industry. Although these are all reputable organisations, they are external websites and DWQR is not responsible for the content.

Scottish Water Industry

Scottish Government

This site has a useful overview of the Scottish water industry and explains how water charges are set and future investment needs are identified and delivered

Scottish Water

Scottish Water supplies water and wastewater services across Scotland

Water Industry Commission

The financial regulator for the Scottish water industry. The Commission promotes the interests of water and sewerage customers in Scotland by making sure they receive a high-quality service and value for money

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

The body that handles complaints from water users in Scotland. If you have complained to Scottish Water about a service issue but remain dissatisfied, contact SPSO

Water Regs UK Ltd

Water Regs UK represents the UK water supply industry, focusing on industry issues and promoting compliance with the Water Fitting Regulations and Scottish Byelaws to protect customers. It also acts as a central hub to disseminate information, provide training and an advice line about the regulations. 

Water Regulations Approvals Scheme

WRAS checks the testing of water fittings products to ensure they comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations and Scottish Byelaws. The water fittings regulations protect drinking water supplies within plumbing systems in homes, businesses and other properties.  

SNIPEF ( Scottish & Northern Ireland  Plumbing Employers’ Federation)

SNIPEF (Scottish & Northern Ireland  Plumbing Employers’ Federation) is the trade association for plumbing and heating businesses based in Scotland and Northern Ireland, setting standards, providing professional and practical assistance to member businesses. They also operate one of the pre-existing Approved Contractors’ Schemes included within the industry's Watersafe banner.

Consumer Scotland

Consumer Scotland is a statutory body that champions the interests of consumers in respect of the service they receive from Scottish Water as well as other providers of services in Scotland

SEPA ( Scottish Environmental Protection Agency)

Scotland's environmental regulator


Public Health Scotland

Health protection is led within Public Health Scotland by the Clinical and Protecting Health (CPH) directorate.

The role of the CPH directorate is to protect the people of Scotland from infectious and environmental hazards.

They do this by:

  • monitoring and reporting data and other intelligence in relation to public health threats
  • improving public health practice through the production of research, advice and health protection guidance
  • co-ordinating responses to national public health incidents and outbreaks
  • providing trusted information to professionals and the public on current and emerging threats to public health

NHS Inform

NHS inform is Scotland's national health information service.  Their aim is to provide the people in Scotland with accurate and relevant information to help them make informed decisions about their own health and the health of the people they care for.

Food Standards Scotland

Food Standards Scotland (FSS) is the public sector food body for Scotland. Their primary concern is consumer protection – making sure that food and drink is safe to consume.  All matters concerning bottled water fall within their remit.

UK and Ireland Drinking Water Quality Regulators

England and Wales - DWI ( Drinking Water Inspectorate)

DWI is based in London and is the quality regulator for the privatised water companies in England and Wales

Northern Ireland - DWI ( Drinking Water Inspectorate)

DWI Northern Ireland is part of the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and regulates the quality of public and private water supplies in Northern Ireland

Eire - Environmental Protection Agency

The Irish EPA regulates drinking water supplies in the Republic

Isle of Man Water Authority

Drinking water on the island is provided and monitored by the Isle of Man Government